Finish SLUMBRx Study & Exit Meeting with Dr. Knowlden
After you complete these tasks, you are officially done with the SLUMBRx study! Congratulations!
Once you have finished the study, please plan to meet with Dr. Knowlden at Russell Hall on the University of Alabama main campus.
During your lab visit, you will be given a temporary parking pass that you may place on your dashboard to use for your study exit meeting with Dr. Knowlden. Please park in the designated, Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM) parking lot (outlined in yellow in the image). As the BCM parking lot is surrounded by churches, its nickname is the "God Quad." GOOGLE MAP TO "GOD QUAD" PARKING LOT: GPS MAP TO "GOD QUAD" PARKING LOT:!m/320815 *Once you click this link to the UA Map App, press the right-hand turn sign icon for GPS, location-specific directions to research study participant parking.* From the God Quad parking lot, use the walking path through Gribbin Park to access the crosswalk at University Blvd. and Hackberry Ln.
Russell Hall is located at 504 University Blvd. Once you arrive at Russell Hall, Dr. Knowlden will meet you outside the double doors facing University Blvd. (marked with a yellow "X") and will escort you to his office. Russell Hall Physical Address: The University of Alabama Russell Hall 504 University Blvd. Tuscaloosa, AL 35401 GOOGLE MAP TO RUSSELL HALL: GPS MAP TO RUSSELL HALL:!m/324815 |